International HUMUS+Days in Kaindorf

Every year the HUMUS+Days take place in Kaindorf, a meeting of the leading minds and all those interested in the humus scene. What started on a small scale in 2007 has now developed into a considerable congress event with international appeal. During this time, the Ökoregion Kaindorf and HUMUS+ have established themselves throughout Europe as leading knowledge mediators in humus cultivation. In the meantime, a total of more than 500 conference participants from 10 nations benefit from the two day event each year. In recent years, the HUMUS+ network has expanded to include the entire German-speaking region as well as other neighbouring countries. On both days of the congress, around two dozen national and international experts will pass on their latest knowledge on humus formation and regenerative agriculture to the conference participants. The positive overall development of the HUMUS+ project acts as a positive motivator, as the arable land which is now sustainably cultivated by more than 400 farmers throughout Austria has multiplied in recent years to a total of over 5000 ha.

The HUMUS+Days also offer the pleasant opportunity to name those farmers who have already successfully built up humus and to present them with their certificates and the amount of their received success fees during the congress.
